College 项目 | Western Technical College-美高美网络平台游戏

Your Career Starts Here

For every certificate, 文凭, or degree earned by a Western student, there is an employer impressed with the skills and experience students develop through our accredited 项目.

What you learn at Western is focused, relevant career preparation through technical skills and employability skills. Our industry relationships make it possible, our high placement rates prove it. 和, to help you reach your goals sooner, we've transitioned most of our courses to a 7-week format so you can focus on fewer classes at a time! Read more about Success in 7 here.

Are you ready for a big step, or do you just need a stepping stone? We provide both. 与美高美网络平台游戏的 项目, multiple pathways, apprenticeships we make it more convenient than ever to reach your goal. That’s what Western does best.

Career 服务

Not sure what program is right for you? Our Career 服务 area can help you discover your personal interests and abilities to find a program that matches your unique strengths.


Get on-the-job training with a Western apprenticeship program. 


Not sure where to start? The Welcome Center can help.

Find your path

Career 服务 has resources to help you decide what career path is best for you. An advisory committee of real-world professionals guides each program.