访问服务 | Western Technical College-美高美网络平台游戏


A comfortable place for students with disabilities.

访问服务 helps students blend what they know about themselves with appropriate accommodations to reduce barriers to learning. We strive to create an environment that empowers and supports students to reach their academic goals.

The college has a long history of serving students with a wide variety of disabilities, working to ensure each student has the reasonable accommodations and services they need to enjoy academic success. We can provide assistance on our main campus and at all of our regional locations.

If you haven't used 访问服务, 请 submit the online application to apply for accommodations:

Once you have submitted your application, make an appointment with the Manager of 访问服务 to discuss accommodations. Appointments can be scheduled by clicking the link below or calling 608-785-9524.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing 服务

Western Technical College strives to provide equal access to communication and information for students who are deaf/hard of hearing.  

翻译 服务 is located in the 欢迎中心 on the main campus in 拉克罗斯, but we provide services to our regional locations as well. Available services include:

  • Sign language interpreting/transliterating
  • Speech-to-text captioning (i.e. C-Print)
  • 病例管理
  • 记笔记
  • 测试设施
  • 调频系统
  • 智能笔
  • Multimedia captioning
  • 辅导 through the Academic Success Center
  • Other services or accommodations.

Any Western student with a hearing loss is eligible for these services. To request interpreter services 请 contact the Manager of 访问服务 to schedule an intake interview appointment, preferably before the semester begins. You will need to bring current documentation of your disability (i.e. 听力图). The provision of accommodations is based upon assessment of the current impact of the disabilities.



访问服务 is located in the 欢迎中心 on the main campus in 拉克罗斯, but we provide services to our regional locations as well. Available services include:

  • 同行记笔记
  • Enlargement of print materials
  • Assistance at registration
  • 测试设施
  • Additional orientation to campus
  • 自适应设备

To request disability support services, you must schedule an appointment with the Manager of Access 服务. You will need to bring documentation of your disability (see guidelines below). At this meeting you will discuss the classes you have registered for and the accommodations you need. To ensure that support services are in place when classes begin, you should complete this process at least one month before entering Western.
