常见问题 | Western Technical College-美高美网络平台游戏


Can I receive college credit for my military training?

你接受的任何军事训练都有资格获得大学学分,由西部大学的退伍军人专家进行评估. 而与军事相关的训练所获得的学分不计入录取过程, 该课程的学术内容专家可能会接受部分或全部学分,并将其应用于你的学位要求. 向退伍军人军事中心(VMC)提供你的官方军事成绩单, which may be ordered through 这个网站, along with a copy of your DD214 (military discharge document).

Is there a discounted tuition rate for veterans?

联邦和州法律将州内学费扩大到荣誉退伍军人, 退伍军人家属, and members of the National Guard and Reserve, regardless of their state of residency, provided they are living in Wisconsin while they attend Western. 

退伍军人事务部(VA)的教育福利被分为不同的“章节”.” How do I know which chapter I qualify for?

不同的VA教育福利章节的大纲可能会在这篇文章的底部找到 VA网页. 请注意你有资格获得的退伍军人管理局教育福利(你可能有资格获得不止一项福利), 并且需要决定哪一个最适合你接受)只能由退伍军人事务部决定. 然而, Western’s VMC can provide assistance.


You can access your remaining entitlements by going to the VA福利页面 and work through these steps:

  • 登录到您现有的帐户或注册一个帐户(一定要写下您的用户名和密码)
  • 当浏览网站时弹出安全警告时,请遵循以下步骤:
  1. Choose “I understand the risk”
  2. Choose “add exception”
  3. Confirm security exemption
  • At the “Create your DS logon today” section, answer the questions, then begin “Basic Registration Lev. 1.”
  • 一旦您的注册完成,升级您的帐户,并通过远程打样.
  • 校对完成后,进入e好处,点击Manage 好处,然后是Education,
  • 在这一点上, 第33章9/11后的收件人应该能够查看和打印您的9/11后GI法案®注册信息, which will serve as your Certificate of 资格 (COE).
  • 如果您在完成步骤5-6时遇到困难,请尝试退出并重新登录.

Do I need to reapply for my VA educational benefits every term?

在你的初始学期结束后,你只需要重新提交一份 Certification Request form 每一项.

What is enrollment verification?

注册验证是9/11后GI法案®学生的一项新要求,以验证他们每个月都在相同的课程或培训中注册. 获得每月住房津贴(MHA)和/或回扣的学生 will have their payments withheld 如果他们没有核实或报告他们不再参加他们的课程或培训. To streamline the process, VA提供了通过短信轻松安全地验证注册的选项.

Learn more about this requirement by visiting the VA's website or viewing this list of enrollment verification 常见问题


大多数退伍军人事务部的教育福利计划(或“章节”)涵盖了补习或缺陷课程的费用, 但只有在分班测试表明你需要学习这类课程的情况下, 或者如果这门课程是你项目中其他课程的先决条件.


Notify the VMC right away via 电子邮件 因此,您的新时间表可以进行审查,以确保替代课程适用于您的项目. (退伍军人管理局的教育福利只涵盖满足你项目学位要求的课程.)

What is the deadline for submitting my Certification Request form?

You have up to one year after the start of a semester to submit your form. 然而, if you wish to receive federal and state educational benefits, 或者让退伍军人事务部为你支付学费(后者只适用于符合第33章和第31章教育福利资格的人), the sooner you submit your form the better. Remember that veterans receive priority registration, 所以你应该能够提前很好地安排和确定你的日程.

When do I start to receive my VA educational benefits?

The VA will process your benefits as quickly as possible, but this can take several weeks from the first time you apply. Once you are in the VA system, 但是,如果你在每个学期开始之前提交了你的认证申请表,你的福利应该持续提供给你(在一个学期的每个月结束时支付任何每月的津贴)。.

I qualify for Chapter 33 benefits. When can I expect to receive my textbook stipend and housing allowance?

一旦你的申请被处理,教科书津贴就会支付,所以你不应该等到津贴到达后才订购教科书. The Basic Allowance for 住房 (BAH), 与此同时, 所有其他的每月津贴在每个学期的月末发放. Keep in mind that partial months are paid at a prorated rate. 例如, if a fall semester begins on August 26, 您的BAH付款只适用于8月26日至8月30日的四天(前提是您的BAH认证是在8月26日之前提交的).


西部大学要求学生每学期至少修满12个学分才能被归类为全日制. 然而, 你还应该检查一下VA教育福利计划对全日制学生的学分要求,通过这个计划你可以获得你的福利, as well as for any financial aid purposes. 



Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 G.I. 比尔) All other VA educational benefits (or Chapters)
11 credit hours = 90% of all educational benefits 12 credit hours or more = Full-time
10 credit hours = 80% 9 to 11 credit hours = Three-quarter time
9 credit hours = 80% 6 to 8 credit hours = Half-time
8 credit hours = 70% 4 and 5 credit hours = Less than half, more than one quarter
7 credit hours = 60% 1 to 3 credit hours = Quarter-time



Do I have to maintain a certain GPA to keep my VA educational benefits?

所有利用VA教育福利的学生必须保持一定的进步标准,详见学生手册. 如果你没有达到西方的进步标准,退伍军人管理局的教育福利将被终止. Student using WI GI Bill® must have a cumulative GPA of a 2.0或以上.  

If I fail a class, will I have to pay anything back to the VA?

No, you do not have to pay the VA back if you do not pass a course. 如果你的学位课程要求你重修一门课程,退伍军人事务部将支付第二次费用. 然而, if you drop or withdraw from a class after the deadline for doing so, you will have to pay the VA back if you received money for that course.


If you need to drop or withdraw from a course, consult Western’s Veteran Certifying Official in the VMC.

Veteran Military Center
Student Success Center, Room 122
400 7th Street North
拉克罗斯, WI 54601



